Frequency Charts Landing Page

This page links to frequency charts for the frequencies: 174, 285, 396, 417, 528, 639, 741, 852, 963 Hz (the Solfeggio tones; note that 741 Hz may be a "corrupted" frequency) as well as 3 Earth frequencies that have been derived from 7.83 Hz's amplification, *100 (783 Hz), *96 (751.68 Hz) and *99 (775.17 Hz) respectively.

Finally, the original .xls file is present too, taken from Pages.Mtu.Edu/~suits.

Note: I am not related to Bryan H. Suits.

174 Hz Frequency Chart

285 Hz Frequency Chart

396 Hz Frequency Chart

417 Hz Frequency Chart

528 Hz Frequency Chart

639 Hz Frequency Chart

741 Hz Frequency Chart

852 Hz Frequency Chart

963 Hz Frequency Chart

751.68 Hz Frequency Chart

775.17 Hz Frequency Chart

783 Hz Frequency Chart

Original Frequency Chart Calculator File

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